This article is for if you forgot your password. If you are logged in and would only like to change your password, check out this help article.
Please note the password criteria:
-Password should be of minimum 8 characters in length
-Contain at least one number or special character (e.g. 3!@#$%^&*)
Forget your password? Make sure you are Logged out of Mobilize. Click this link to log out.

Go to and enter your email.

An email will be sent out with the information below. Click the "Change my password" link to change the password on the account.

** When clicking on the link above- make sure you are logged out of Mobilize otherwise, you will be taken directly into the platform and your password will not change.
If you are logged out and are resetting your password you will be taken to this page where you can enter in your new secure password.

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