Status |
What Does This Status Mean? |
New | You have submitted a ticket to our Technical Support team. You should have received a reply confirming receipt. Someone will respond shortly. |
Open |
A member of our Technical Support team has responded to your inquiry. We are working on troubleshooting the issue you've experienced. We may be working on a resolution or answer to your inquiry with another internal team at Forj. We are gathering more information, completing your request, or further investigating the issue.
You will also see the Open status if you have sent in a new reply to a question or some more information for us. We'll be in touch as soon as we can! |
Awaiting your reply / Pending |
A member of our Technical Support team has responded to your inquiry and we have included a question or need additional information from you to proceed. |
On Hold |
There are a few possible situations where you may see this status:
Solved |
This ticket has been completed and resolved by Forj Technical Support. It can always be re-opened by simply replying if needed - perhaps you have another question or our solution didn't fully resolve the issue. Please don't hesitate to reply - your response will re-open the ticket for our team! |
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