Members have the ability to update their email preferences to better suit their needs all from the Profile Settings page. They can customize feed activity per group (Instant notifications or Daily summary email), comment notifications, and event invitations.
Email Preferences can be updated by Web or by Email.
- Updating Preferences from the Web
- Updating your preferences through Email
Click the links below to be taken to each section regarding Group-Specific Emails:
- Events
- Unfollowing a post's comment chain
*Users can unfollow specific post threads by clicking the Unsubscribe Link located at the bottom of comment emails.
Updating Preferences from the Web
If you are already logged in, you'll need to head to your Profile Settings:
Updating your preferences through Email
If you want to access your email preferences through email, you can click the link located at the bottom of every email.
Profile Settings
Below are all the Profile Settings that are available to be customized. We'll break it down into each section going down the page or you can click the links below to go to the section.
NOTE: When the toggle is highlighted to the right it is "on" and when it is white to the left it is "off".
- Events
Feed Activity
Starting at the top is the Feed Activity. This is where members choose if they want to receive group digest emails every day for all their groups (set to any group I'm in), selected groups, or no groups (by turning the toggle off).
Under this is the Immediate emails section. Here members choose which emails they want to receive immediately. The following options are available to update per group, so a member can have Immediate emails for one group and not another if they choose: Posts, Manager announcements, Comments on all Posts, and Comments on Posts I participate in. The following options are available for members to either receive all or no emails in all their groups: Comments on Posts I created, Private replies on my Posts, Conversations I'm in, and @ mentions of me.
Note: the Manager Emails subscription status also applies to Email Blasts that managers or moderators send as a manager via the Outreach Center.
Also of note, the manager/moderator who creates the Email Blast should have Private replies on my Posts toggled on in order to receive Email Blast responses via email. If this setting is toggled off they will only receive Email Blast responses in the Outreach Center.
At the group level, members have the ability to choose if they want to receive event invitation emails. They can receive these emails for all groups (any group I'm in) or specific groups they're in depending on their settings. If the member just wants to receive event invitations for certain groups, they can click the highlighted box and uncheck the groups they do not want to receive event invitations from.
They also have the option to receive event notification emails an hour before their event starts.
To learn more about Managing Event Emails (Member), click here.
Group management (available only for Account Owners, Community Managers, Group Managers, and Group Moderators)
In this section, managers can choose if they want to toggle on/off the daily engagement metrics for Posts, and if they want to receive emails when a new member applies to a group or a Post requires approval.
To learn more about the differences between Group Managers and Group Moderators, check out this help article, and to learn more about the different account types click here.
Unfollowing a post's comment chain
Users can unfollow specific posts and stop receiving emails made on that post by clicking on Unfollow this post through email:
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