Posts Moderation allows you and your fellow moderators, group managers, and community managers to approve or decline posts made by members before they’re shared with the entire group.
Moderation is a great way to :
- Allow managers and moderators to ensure your groups large and small are kept a safe space
- Give managers more control by helping them moderate the community
- Help focus members on relevant content and help reduce spam
From the Web
Under Pending approval, you’ll find all the posts and resources members sent for review. You can either approve or decline each one. The member will get a notification when his content is sent for approval and when it is approved.
Managers will know they have posts (and files) pending approval by looking for the notification icon in this area:
To view, click on View Posts to expand and see all posts pending approval by a manager or moderator.
Then click on the checkmark to approve or the ‘X’ to reject.
From Email
Managers can also approve or reject posts from email. When a member creates a post, managers and Moderators will get this email notifying them of the post.
To Approve, click the Check Mark and to Reject- click the ‘X’
If the post has already been approved or Rejected the Manager or Moderator will see this message notifying them of who approved or Rejected the post.
Until you approve or deny a post, the post will only be visible to managers and the member who posted it. The member who posted will see this banner above their post until a manager approves or denies it:
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