Filter your Feed to find relevant content in your groups. You can filter by when the Post was created (New posts) or show posts that have more recent activity (Latest activity).
Click the links below to be taken to each section:
- Filter by Activity or Most Recent from the web
- Filtering from the Mobile App
- Filtering by Post Type on Mobile
Filter by Activity or Most Recent from the web
You have the choice to use the default, Latest activity, which will prioritize posts based on when they were last commented on. This view is great to see what people in the community are talking about.
Another option is by New posts. Here you can organize based on the latest posts that have been created. This is a great view to see what the latest hot topics are.
Filter by post type
Use this section to show only one type of Post- Discussion, Poll, Event, and more.
Filtering from the Mobile App
Just like the web, you can filter content based on the kind of content shown in your group's Feed.
You also have the choice to use the default, Latest activity, which will prioritize posts based on when they were last commented on.
The alternative is to organize by New posts. Here you can organize based on the latest posts that have just been created. This is a great view to see what the latest hot topics are.
Filtering by Post Type on Mobile
Use this section to show only one type of Post- Discussion, Poll, Event, and more. Allow your members to filter to find relevant posts by the type of content that was posted.
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