Forj Community's Zap is on the Zapier integrations page.
When first creating a Zap with Forj Community, you’ll need to give Zapier the necessary credentials to access your community data.
Step 1 - Create a Zap
Log into your Zapier account and click either the "Create Zap" or "+ Create" button.
Step 2 - Fill in the API credentials
As you build the Zap, you’ll get to a point when you are prompted to "Sign in" to Forj Community. DO NOT use your Forj Community Username and Password. You'll want to go to Community Settings > Integrations in Forj Community to create a new API key. Learn how to get your credentials here.
Username - In this field, paste your community API Key.
Password - In this field, paste your community Secret Key.
***Again, please DO NOT use your Forj Community username and password***
Instead, you’ll need to paste your API credentials here. Follow this guide that explains where to find the API and Secret Keys.
Step 3 - Verify account credentials
Click on "Test Action/Trigger" to make sure the credentials work. If It’s not working, follow step 2 again. Once confirmed, build your Zap!
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